Workflow Automation
Workflow Automation
Take the work out of workflow with Access’s Process Automation. When a paper form is filled out, that’s when the work begins. Scanning and organizing, shuffling from desk to desk, identifying what’s missing, and the list goes on. Access’s workflow automatic removes all of those tasks and more, helping you achieve real, lasting efficiency.
Let’s take a look at how it works and its benefits:
- Approve, sign and process forms on the go.
You and your staff are always on the move. That’s why we created mobile software that streamlines your workflow experience. Wherever you are, you can use any device—including smartphones and tablets running Apple iOS, Windows or Android—to quickly move things along.
- Distribute e-forms and send notifications.
Whether an e-form initiates a process, keys a final approval hurdle, or supports a data validation step in-between, Access can play an integral role in your routines. Using Passport, Access’ mobile app or email notification feature, you can establish alerts that notify a user when an e-form is ready for his/her input, e-signature, authorization or other task. Access additionally shares captured data from e-forms with your business systems to complement their workflows. The collaborative process of completing a form also is supported easily through the notification process.
- Route e-forms dynamically based on conditions.
Many e-forms need to pass through an approval process. With Access, a form can go in a linear, person-to-person direction, be routed to multiple people at the same time, and change direction based on data that’s actually in the e-form. For example, a VP might be bypassed because the approval amount wasn’t enough to bother her. It’s also possible to divert workflow if people are out of the office or if escalation is required because someone’s not responding in a timely fashion.
- Simplify your store-and-retrieve workflow.
Data is prefilled from an HIS system, HL7 feed and other sources right as a clerk is opening an e-form for a patient. The patient, from his bed, completes and signs forms, which are stored and retrieved several times by the same nurse and his physician. Then to finish the workflow, the e-forms are sent into the ECM system and the data updates related records in other systems. E-forms and the data inside are now immediately accessible and useful—even for things like analytics, reporting, data mining and more.